Race, religion and politics in GE14

No matter how we talk about equality
Practising full democracy in Malaysia deemed a fallacy
Lauding governing irrespective of race and religion
Quota system is hard to be rid off in this region

Homosapiens differ in left-brained and right-brained
With some mastering both sides of the brain
It just happens Malaysians are divided in this discipline
pushing to a phenomena more extreme

Malays excel in creativity, expression and soft skill presentation
Chinese are distinct in their mathematical reasoning and scientific orientation
Indians are excellent in language domain
Which raises our rakyat into different sentiments

Full meritocracy in the long run is a disaster
With our rakyat separated in different job sectors
Forty-five fifty-five quota system came to a halt
As population demographics showed a gradual slope

Manipulated meritocracy came into practice
With the name meritocracy non-bumi think it is justice
However when the details were reviewed
Bumi felt relaxed over the deal

Comes indigenous work done by the government
They assume their deeds are fair at this moment
To those who are deep-rooted in UMNO's regime
The present government is threatening their well being

PH must be careful in their strategies
Coalition parties must be in utmost unity
Pushing reforms should not be hasty
Or otherwise we are scared everything will turn into tragedy


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