
Showing posts from June, 2018


时光匆匆弹指过 人类工程建设多 八九学生齐聚首 五月六日在晶木。 久别重逢应不识 叫我一声老师好 千言万语哽后头 泪眼婆挲话当年。 长江后浪推前浪 辈辈待有人才出 青出于蓝更胜蓝 肯定严师出高徒。 笔于 10。05。2017


海外深造扩视野 教育投资大胆识 迈出初步是壮举 满怀希望衣锦归。 留俄留澳留英国 一四咏欣从俄还 一五昊铮澳洲回 一六昊峄别了英。 学医念公研药理 学有所成三人行 个别领域领风骚 贡献社会傲全场。 笔于24。10。2016


生化物理试验多  当年政府花样多 九九年度终废考 降了程度扶阿斗 从此沉沦坐井观 名落孙山国际赛 南柯一梦忽惊醒 亡羊补牢一团糟 适逢经济不景气 谈何容易复办考 年复一年拖之诀 赔了夫人又折兵 笔于 22。04。2017


即将退休感触深 八三只身临开中 一间挑起物理担 满怀信心穿梭间。 六载匆匆终别离 收拾行李别匆匆 孜孜不倦三十载 苦口婆心来树人。 软硬兼施责任大 塑造明日栋梁才 无奈夕阳无限好 只惜已然近黄昏。 募然回首青春逝 一生奉献无怨晦 花甲之年悄然至 野鹤闲云任我行。 笔于02。11。2016


教育政策难恭维 朝令夕改缺点多 一声令下换媒介 英语变了马来语。 峰回路转二声令 国语再变回英语 三声令下急转弯 英语国语杂乱用 四声令下更离谱 双语并蒂傍地走 老师同学齐错愕 国家教育危旦夕 一盘散沙局难撑 乱象丛生回天乏。 笔于25。09。2016


体弱多病幼年时  脱胎换骨三岁间 昊峄天资不输人 初中高中考状元。 选科择系难取舍 决定留英妥安排 无奈造物且弄人 无缘问鼎药剂系。 天时地利及人和 样样皆在意料外 不学药剂学药理 完成学业归故里。


昊铮自小惹人怜 懵懂天真在童年 初二当年忽开窍 突飞猛进成绩优。 高考成绩放榜时 徘徊选科十字路 工程商业士农医 样样淘汰余下工。 三载于砂二载澳 阴差阳错朋友离 尝尽酸甜苦辣味 塑造社会坚毅人。 今时肄业星加坡 独当一面在建筑 公字虽然不出头 土木弥补出头天。 笔于24。09。2016


金榜提名光门楣 咏欣不负众望归 吐气扬眉喜心头 人生一大乐事也。 等待国家厚礼遇 保送出国去深造 空等白了少年头   满怀委屈无处诉。 可怜天下父母心 圆了孩子出国梦  七载寒窗无人问  独当一面俄国度。 衣锦荣归还故里 成绩优异自信高 良师鼓励再深造  望成医界一奇葩 笔于23。09。2016


世上万般皆下品 唯有读书最清高 节俭朴素为美德 积少成多趁年少 不惜投资儿教育 飘洋过海去深造 望儿不负众望归 只盼后辈人才出 金榜提名喜洋洋 光宗耀祖光门楣 万丈高楼从地起 英雄何论出身底 笔与2。09。2016


华文教育根基稳 无奈官方不应用 当年选择不后悔 如今重拾当时梦 勤于练习进步多 文采不比当年差 再接再厉不间断 造诣成就露锋芒 笔于 21。09。2016


良师益友齐陪伴 度过黄金岁月期 不负师长的厚望 造福社会共鸣就 笔于20。09。2016

老同学阔别40 年聚首有感(4)

一肩行李走天下 两袖清风教书匠 白无一用是书生 贡献仅止学术圈 纵然桃李满天下 青出于蓝更胜蓝 不问收获只耕耘 朔造社会有用人 笔于 19。09。2016

老同学阔别40 年聚首有感(3)

同学聚会有所感 心血来潮涂点鸦 惠芳同学的谬赞 渺小如我愧难当 龙的传人满天下 中华文化太精湛 略懂皮毛献了丑 比上不足下有余 笔于18。9。2016

老同学阔别40 年聚首有感(2)

四十载前离别后 聚散无定如浮萍 人海茫茫音讯无 寻人如寻海底针 科技尖端新时代 当前直连网速高 天涯海角若比邻 天下只怕有心人 笔于17。09。2016

老同学阔别40 年聚首有感

同窗共砚至七六 劳燕分飞奔西东 今时聚首新金山 千言万语哽喉头 纵使相逢应不识 满面尘埃鬓如霜 时光荏在四十载 轻舟已过万重山 此次相逢为奠石 详细解刨为南针 设下重逢再见期 莫待余年满跚时 笔于15。09。2016

Race, religion and politics in GE14

No matter how we talk about equality Practising full democracy in Malaysia deemed a fallacy Lauding governing irrespective of race and religion Quota system is hard to be rid off in this region Homosapiens differ in left-brained and right-brained With some mastering both sides of the brain It just happens Malaysians are divided in this discipline pushing to a phenomena more extreme Malays excel in creativity, expression and soft skill presentation Chinese are distinct in their mathematical reasoning and scientific orientation Indians are excellent in language domain Which raises our rakyat into different sentiments Full meritocracy in the long run is a disaster With our rakyat separated in different job sectors Forty-five fifty-five quota system came to a halt As population demographics showed a gradual slope Manipulated meritocracy came into practice With the name meritocracy non-bumi think it is justice However when the details were reviewed Bumi felt relaxed o...

Malaysia is reborn(4)

A month has passed since election PH government geared fully against corruption The past regime has ruled the country in a mess swallowing country's wealth in the past Lauding increased public scrutiny of the government More public discourse is an improvement Transparency and honesty are generally accepted Inefficiency and unclean administration is discarded Government is acting in the right direction Holding PC after each cabinet discussion Getting down to work earnestly pillars the excellence Policies are focussed and opinions are listened Corruption is deep-rooted at every corner Ranging from education to medical to everywhere Many mini 1MDB scandals are yet to be reviewed Hybrid solar supply and hospital medicine are big issues No worry over 100-day timeline  set With endless scandals keep exposed on the surface As long as you are working with a committment to right the wrongs in the problematic procurement

TDM in Japan

3-day official visit to Japan Look East Policy is again on the whelm Bringing Malaysia onto the world again TDM stresses on business friendly again  A 93-year old man on an international stage Still energetic witful youthful cheeky and fresh Being the oldest PM in the world He is still influential as a whole First national car is a failure Proton is sold to Geely before it is punctured His idea of another Japan-made national car budded Malaysians warned him the motive should not be flirted We are already owning a trillion debt The people give you the mandate Please take into account your responsibilities Clearing our bad debts lifting our liabilities A thousand hopes that you are not the old TUN Discarding cronyism and gaining your momentum Malaysians have seen you as God since victory Be somebody leaving good legacy in history

Malaysia is reborn(3)

Without notice and without heed PH coalition won a challenging plead Before people gained time to reason People start lauding victorious declaration  The moment seemed to stop for seconds When the people began to reckon Uproar of PH win win win A reality  BN already behind scene A new Malaysia is born Knitting four PH parties in bond PH Buku Harapan is a guide Prioritising scandals against the tide Future is something unpromised Present is a mess can't be missed Time and tide wait for no man Tun's cabinet is to cleanse and to fix Malaysians are having a high expectation Transforming Malaysia into a clean nation With the cooperation from top to bottom left to right Our dreams will come true without much plight

PH government's 30-day accomplishment

9th of May is an unforgettable day in history PH government is making a victory A victorious sweep in toppling the past regime  Waste no time getting the members working in the scene 30-day period has passed and accomplishment measured PH working members are intensely pressured Amidst obstacles in the debt-laden tasks The government is ever-ready for the questions asked GST is down with 0% in June and SST effective in September Oil price is stabilised and 1MDB reports declassified earlier CEP is formed followed by IRC In the making of parallel reforms for institutions and economy A full royal pardon is granted to Anwar Fulfilling the promise all these while He is now a free man Walking his life in freedom before joining the parliament The appointment of AG Tommy Thomas met with a problem Again because of race and religion Islam and Malay special rights is the fear Finally Agong is convinced together with his peers 1MDB files are open and there is no eye to ...

Malaysia is reborn(2)

61-year BN rule came to a termination R.A.H.M.A.N prophecy in PM position Under BN government divisive rule Till Najib the last PM being screwed The RAHMAN prophecy came into reality with our fourth PM making a comeback steadily Sweeping the corrupt BN government  making an apology of his past governance Future circumstances are yet to be seen TDM is a man with infinite power in the cling Fourth PM is faced with criticizm 7th PM gains the support of social beings Thousand prayers TDM is on the right path Sincere wish that his regime lasts Without pride and prejudice he should rule to make Malaysian dreams come true Rid of race-based and religion-based politics is a call PH government acquires the mandate during the polls Paving the path leading to better governance Working towards the ideals and putting them into existence Dr. Mazlee our Education Minister Eloquence of his languages is a terror His background seems different as seen on the stage Waiting ...

Malaysia is reborn

Braving through the odds of campaigning People power sway Malaysia into world scene Six decades drifting in dismay Hope and delight surface keeping people in array. A new Malaysia is in its twilight Under the charismatic TM all parties unite Overthrown the corrupt past regime Promises and hopes with the cabinet swearing-in Political climate experienced a paradigm shift Race-based and religion-based politics are obsolete Be it UMNO MCA PAS or MIC Malaysian people wants democracy Ten promises in a hundred days is on the way Pakatan Harapan is working without delay The journey is full of obstacles May God granted solutions to all. 30 days passed since the government is in victory GST oil price  w omen EPF  are looked into immediately. PTPTN  mega projects  being reviewed Minimum wage MA63 Health care scheme kept in view Our country in the past was badly debt-ridden Much of our natural resources were ruthlessly stolen Investigation into multi-b...

Education as a fundamental in transformation

            Malaysia is ruled under the guidelines laid in the FC. Diverging from the right path has become more detrimental throughout these years under the past regime. We are helpless to see our country going backward when our leaders ruled our country not according to capabilities of our human resources but through our race and religion. No doubts Malays in our country are given special rights enshrined in the FC, the country is at a deficit when all the brains have been drained to other countries as a result of the misuse of the special rights. Special rights must be governed in a proper way so as not to cause our country a price when situation now is threatening our country. Vision 2020 should be a reality given that things are done correctly.             Education is the basic fundamental in a progressive nation. The responsibilities of our newly-minted Education Minister, Dr. Mazlee Malik is thus far very heavy. If rev...

Power and bullying

            My youngest brother and my youngest sister are at an age gap of eight years and from young I saw them growing up with that type of close brotherly/sisterly love among my siblings. Just to give an example, back in the 70s, our family can hardly afford bottles of coca-cola for all of us. At that particular moment, we bought one bottle to be shared among my two youngest siblings. It is wonderful when I saw the love shown by my brother towards my youngest sister. Even though he would love to have that coca-cola, he extended his love and unconditionally let my sister to have all of it. And surprisingly my sister won't want to have all and insisted my brother to have his share.  It is invaluable the closely-knitted relation remains until to day.              Certain brothers and sisters are not educated to do so. The bigger brothers who are more powerful will bully their younger siblings through any means to g...

Multi-racial and multi-cultural Malaysia

            Since GE14 on 09 May 2018, my beloved Malaysia was reborn. Even though PH put up a hope to overthrow the existing government, I nevertheless disbelieved the struggle would come into reality. I am sure Malaysians out there had the same frequency with me on the thought of PH becoming the government. Even until today, I still wonder how the PH can win over  BN given that BN is the existing government with all the financial supports. Anyway, PH is the government now since the GE14.             Malaysia is a multiracial country where different culture and different religions are practiced. The population mainly consists of Malay (70%), Chinese (20+ %) , Indians(7+%) and others. Malays are the majority and they are Muslims from birth. Islam is Malaysia official religion except Sarawak. Other religions can be practiced freely which is enshrined in our Federal Constitution.     ...

Shaping Tomorrow

          I was listening to Ybhg Datuk Dr. Syed Ali Tawfik al-Attas presenting live on  a shared  facebook post dated 26 may 2018 on "On Malaysia's Future". I was astonished by his forum on his wisdom in analysing the political climate of Malaysia from 50 years ago until now specifically on education. He made a very sharp criticism on the education system and how the PH government should address the mindset of the Malaysians as a whole through the most important weapon, i.e, education. I am astonished by his impartial stand in delivering education as an academia irrespective of race and religion. He is a true Malaysian who really cares about what education is about. He inspires me by mentioning Datuk Onn Jafaar who is forced to step down from UMNO because he has the idea of nurturing Malaysia Malaysian and not Malaysia Malays.  He warns of Malaysia's future if there is no effort in transforming/overhauling our education system without the interf...