Turn into good account

No man is perfect. One-man show is no deal. Teamwork is essential in any organisation or committee, especially knowledge-based industry in the 21st century where we are living now .
The way God makes every human different is wonderful. It is this difference which enables projects of large scale to exist. Our capability is limited. Bits and pieces of effort in a deal is just like a jigsaw puzzle. Every contribution from everybody, be it the manager, the leader or the subordinates, counts. Each personnel in an organisation is useful in his own way.

If everybody can do his own part well, mission can be accomplished in a beautiful manner in the time frame allocated. Of course, we still need to give some allowance for some workers due to unforeseen circumstances.

In work, I strictly follow my principle. I am never late for any function, meeting, or classes. I am particular about due date and I make sure that I know how to put first things first (2nd pillar of how to be an effective people by Stephen Covey). Within my means, I will never burn candle at two ends to complete my work.

If all of us know how to turn our specific skills into very good account at different situations, I am sure success is all along with us.


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