10th Malaysia Plan

10MP: 10 main premises
First : Internally driven, externally aware
Second : Leveraging on our diversity internationally
Third : Transforming to a high-income nation through specialisation
Fourth : Unleashing productivity-led growth and innovation
Fifth : Nurturing, attracting and retaining top talent
Sixth : Ensuring equality of opportunities and safeguarding the vulnerable
Seventh: Concentrated growth, inclusive development
Eighth : Supporting effective and smart partnerships
Ninth : Valuing our environmental endowments
Tenth : Government as a competitive corporation

10MP-Five Strategic Thrusts

First: Designing government philosophy and approach to transform Malaysia using NKRA methodology
Second: Creating a conducive environment for unleashing economic growth
Third: Moving towards inclusive socio-economic development
Fourth: Developing and retaining a first-world talent base and
Fifth: Building an environment that enhances quality of life

Focus on 12 national key economic areas of NKEAs to be announced in October
(i) Oil and gas
(ii) Palm oil and related products
(iii) Financial services
(iv) Wholesale and retail
(v) Tourism
(vi) Information and communication technology (ICT)
(vii) Education services
(viii) Electric and electronic
(ix) Business services
(x) Private healthcare
(xi) Agriculture
(xii) Greater Kuala Lumpur

10th Malaysia Plan, NKEAs, NKRAs, NEM, konsep 1Malaysia........ There are so many plans and strategies where the public is not fast enough to digest what is planned and yet another plan/strategy came up again. All those strategies look good despite there are some injustice even though the plan is for the prosperity of the country and to uphold social justice. On the contrary, if the authority concerned can summarise the whole lots into a simple one, it will be easier for the people to understand, to follow and to put into action. No action and only words will not make our country any better.

PM announced last year that the 30% share for the bumis in the open market will be relieved to have more competition for the capables in order to survive against the open trade system. However, PM delivered a speech yesterday to maintain the 30% bumi share again. What a contradiction it is! Where politics is concerned, maybe it is understood that if he doesn't do so, he will most probably lose the support from the majority. Sigh!

Again Konsep 1Malaysia...... Rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan.......... pening kepala saya..........


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