From quota to meritocracy

            The day when the government announced of the change from quota to meritocracy in the intake method for Malaysians entry into Malaysian public universities, I was actually in doubt of the motives of our government. Real meritocracy, to what I experienced through years of observation, just cannot be carried out totally. It is clear that the academic standard achieved between bumiputras and non-bumiputras, between urban and rural forks and between the lower and upper class elites are not the same. A total meritocratic system will bring a certain race to become doctors, engineers and dentists in majority and another race to social science discipline. The government should work out a formula where all walks of the society should be catered of, to rule our country in such a way that the social economic status won't be very extreme and to strike a balance in every discipline.
           However, since independence, tremendous help was given to the Malay communities through all sorts of goodies and scholarships, whether they are excellent or morons, to breed a community of 2nd class "elites" whom are seen nowadays in our society. Even though TM makes a return as our 7th PM, either he still can't understand or he acted in favour to the Malays that he made an announcement few days ago The Government still needs to help the Malay because the Chinese are rich. He went on and said the Chinese schools, Tamil schools and national schools segregate the races. I should tell him here it is not the education which segregate the people of Malaysia. It is the government's race-based policy which leads to dissatisfaction among races and thus segregate them. When DEB is first introduced in 1970, it might carry a noble aim but as years went by, the Government had misused the policy and DEB diverted from its main course till the non-bumis are further sidelined. I would like to tell TM that Chinese are not as rich as what you think. Chinese are those people who can sacrifice till death but they must make sure that the children'd education are well looked after.
            Here I would like to mention too that I know the reason why after a promise of 20 years of DEB in force, Malay are still not independent. Form DEB to NEP it is already 50 years! Malays are still not independent. There are still many Malays who are in poverty.
1. The government made most Rural Malays fools when only a few Malays are made extremely rich. It is always easier to control those rural ones and those who are uneducated.
2. Tolerance is deep-rooted in Malay culture where they are satisfied with what they have. They live an indigenous life as fishermen and during rainy and stormy seasons they will relax at home consuming their catch. There is just enough for their living.
3. Malays are right brained in majority where they are not able to manage with figures. Their business usually ended up in nowhere as they are unable to sustain and do not know how plan for the profit.
4. Malays are more spentdrift and majority of them have no savings. This group will enjoy materials when they have money and they will tie their stomachs when they do not have money.
This is deeply rooted in the culture. In order to eradicate all these habits there must be a cultural revolution.



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