
Showing posts from December, 2018


七五年念高中一, 选科择系时有那短暂的一刻犹疑, 选华语还是国语?最终还是选了所爱-华语。虽然在以后的管道日子里, 低程度的国语让我吃了不少苦头, 我一生都不言悔。高中成绩放版, 我以全级最高分,傲视全场。 老公也一样, 选择了他所爱的华语。他的选择让他在以后的课业上得益不少 他留学台湾, 没有当初的华语根基, 很有可能会改写他的求学管道。 他也以骄人的成绩, 念完高中华语。 女儿高中不想念华语。 马来西亚有一个不成文的规定, 如果高中没有全科A1, 那学生就无缘问鼎政府奖学金。 她怕他不会拿到A1的成绩。 终于在我们的苦口婆心的劝导下, 她也拿了华语。 只是天不从人愿, 她拿了A2, 拿不到政府奖学金。 大儿子也不想念, 最后也拿了一个B3。 小儿子也一样, 可是也拿了一个 A2。 家里5个人, 全都有修华语。成绩都不俗。至少都有一个B3的成绩。 比上不足, 比下有余。  我们两老,虽然在工作上没有用到华语,可是我们以会华语而骄傲。女儿行医 不用华语。 大儿子搞建筑, 肄业新加坡, 大有用途。小儿子电脑系, 也不一定有用。

珠广深港澳八日游(2)- 偷得浮生半日闲游羊城

11/12  从珠海坐大巴去广州,费时二小时三十分钟。到达多宝,已经夜深。及时准备就寝。隔天,一大早,乘着同事一家还在梦乡,我们又沿着酒店前的那条老街步行到了西关老屋保护区,转移转回来,刚好赶上与同事一起吃早餐。酒店特别为我们预备了蛮丰富的早点。我们吃得起劲。 饭后已经九点,整装待发。今天整天的交通都是地铁。广州地铁非常方便,离酒店五分钟的路长久是地铁站。我们像发现了新大陆,有地铁,我们就不愁交通了。第一站陈家祠,接着去起义烈士陵墓,再去黄花岗七十二烈士之墓。虽然交通都使用地铁,可是走路也走得很多,还好未来之前,在家乡已经训练了一个月,所以当时还可以。从黄花岗烈士之墓走路去地铁站,途中停留在三宝潮州粉面点,全部的人都叫了三肉一菜的杂饭,填报肚子。搭地铁直奔广州火车站。  听朋友说广州火车站有很大的批发市场, 既然来了,不如去转一圈。多转几圈发现没有我们所要的东西,也赚得很累了,就提议回旅馆休息,充充电后嗣,向下一个目标挺进。当日下午5点我们趁着地铁从长寿路站直往广州火车东站,坐5点半的火车往深圳出发。 广州太大,我们在哪儿的时间太短, 所以只能够抱着到此一游的心态, 不能游大部分的羊城美景,可是也觉得不虚此行了!广州历史悠久,可以追索到洪武年间所兴建的五羊以及五羊从周朝的由来。还有近代,孙中山纪念堂, 起义烈士陵墓,黄花岗七十二烈士等等的事迹都起源于广州。以后,广州可能会成为我二次旅游的地点也说不一定呢!

Less religious curriculum

Revamp curriculum is Mazlee's greatest challenge With Tun saying that religious study should be lessened Mazlee with his religious background Can he do something without fear and favour, great and sound? If I were the Education Minister Curriculum be in Englishis my rationale Single stream we have to cater for all Malaysians Without religion and race in arguments Academics is done in the morning When afternoon is teaching character building Be it religion, 3rd language moral values or soft skills In moulding future students in every field. Sad to say I am not one just to have a dream in the kayangan How nice if it can materialise Malaysians will not be divided like what we have seen 3 to 4 decades ago in Sarawak, our paradise   

Malaysia Baru or Lama?

Seven months passed since victory of PH Hopes and eager emerged after a long dark age Four component parties merged forming the present government With PKR the biggest and PPBM being in the smallest segment Cabinet lining up doesn't turn up to be what we expect PKR and DAP are given less share on the deck Where two mosquito parties took the positions With Tun being the anchor of the whole decision Rakyat are expecting a fair society Doing away with the unequal rights and prejudice Signing the ICERD and treating all rakyat with justice But sentiments overthrown the decision in pieces Katak are jumping from the opposition Landing in the ruling parties with intention Bringing all the vice and dice Three component parties reject people who lied PPBM is the only one who accepted at first With people uproar and the party urged Cunning Tun says the frogs need to be observed and examined to be free from corruption and cronyism While waiting for the whole drama PPB...

From quota to meritocracy

            The day when the government announced of the change from quota to meritocracy in the intake method for Malaysians entry into Malaysian public universities, I was actually in doubt of the motives of our government. Real meritocracy, to what I experienced through years of observation, just cannot be carried out totally. It is clear that the academic standard achieved between bumiputras and non-bumiputras, between urban and rural forks and between the lower and upper class elites are not the same. A total meritocratic system will bring a certain race to become doctors, engineers and dentists in majority and another race to social science discipline. The government should work out a formula where all walks of the society should be catered of, to rule our country in such a way that the social economic status won't be very extreme and to strike a balance in every discipline.            However, since independence, treme...