
International Convention of Elimination Of All Forms Of Racial Discrimination

Ratification of Icerd causes an uproar
Public is too blind to see the game played by PAS and UMNO
Over two weeks Icerd received significant prominence
Middle Malaysia regrettably bowed to the unstable circumstance

One of the 14 not ratifying Icerd
We are putting ourselves in the same boat of  North Korea, Myanmar and Sudan
55 out of 57 Muslim countries choose the other way
Are they not afraid of Islam being astray?

Opposition is still struggling to gain its way
With the big tree having so many roots in array
Icerd is clear everywhere on WWW
But people rely on propaganda to air their diverted views

Article 153 is engrained and never will change
All races understand and embrace with acceptance
Icerd contradicts Federal Constitution is the propanganda
Where emotion and sentiments play much in Malaysia

Article 1(4) Icerd is no different from Article 153
The public is generally innocent without reading extensively
Being mislead in the wilderness
Believing in the politician thinking they are correct.


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