Scholarship allocations based on four categories: Nazri看完以上的报道,几许的感慨,几许的讽刺。奖学金,顾名思义, 其中意思非常简单。奖是奖励,学应该指的是品学兼优,金就是金钱的意思。那就是说,奖励那些品学兼优学生的金钱或拨款。
KUALA LUMPUR: The 1,500 scholarships given to Malaysians to pursue degree courses overseas this year were allocated under four categories.For the first category, 300 scholarships were given based on merit, with bumiputras getting 20% and non-bumiputras receiving 80%, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abd Aziz.Fifty-nine bumiputras, 209 Chinese, 30 Indians and two others receive scholarships in this category, he said in his reply on behalf of the department, on points raised in Parliament Wednesday over the the 10th Malaysia Plan.Under the 900 scholarships awarded based on racial composition, Nazri said 557 were given to bumiputras, with 480 Malays, 74 East Malaysians and three others benefitting.In the non-Muslim category where 343 scholarships were given out, 247 went to Chinese, 88 to Indians and eight to others, he added.For the third category, which was for East Malaysia, Nazri said 75 went to Sarawak and 75 went to Sabah.For the fourth category, where scholarships were given based on grounds of social disadvantage, Nazri said 77 went to bumiputras (73 Malays and four from Sabah and Sarawak), 35 to Chinese, 18 to Indians and two others.
一个大马,又何来固打?为什么不干脆实行绩效制,那就什么争执都没有了?绩效制之下,如果我拿不到奖学金,我心服口服,可是现在这样的分配法,怎么能够让人信服呢?两个同班同学,一个拿了12A1 没中奖学金, 另外一个拿了3A1却中到了出国读书的奖学金!!!! 马来西亚是一个在发展中的国家,如果政治人物没有改变思维,我们将永远走不出自己的框框, 根本就谈不上国家的进步与繁荣, 还有可能把国家给当掉呢!
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