Passport Renewal
My daughter wanted to renew her passport a year earlier than it should be because she learnt a lesson from her friend when her visa cannot be issued because the expiry date of her passport is only around 6 months before a visa can be issued. She is thinking she might as well renew it a year earlier. Yesterday, we did have a look at the form and realized that the photographs that she owned were not standard enough for the purpose of the passport. She then took a new one at a nearby photograph shop. Today, we hurriedly went to the shop and took the photograph before the Immigration Office was closed at three. Without delay, we saw an officer and paid the money following the procedure. The passport could be taken after an hour. We took a ride and bought some groceries before we arrived at the office at 3:30p.m. I have the habit of flipping any documents when I received it. Do you know what I notice? My daughter's passport will be expired on 21 March 2012. I was surprised when ...