
Showing posts from March, 2010


看到同事们陆续的都把桌子打扮得花姿招展,我也不落人后,兴致勃勃地买了布及花边,亲自动手做起桌裙。对自己的手艺有自知之明,并没有抱着很大的信心。做了我自己的那一条,堪称满意,还帮忙前面那个同事也作了一条。装上去看起来整齐得体, 心中不免洋洋得意。当天去车边,店里的老板娘看到我拿块粉红色的沙丁布,跟我说他也有一块。 食之无味,弃之可惜,问我是否有用?我想不凡拿来看看,可能还能够派上用场呢! 一个星期后,在拜访老板娘,拿回那块布。 一看之下,喜上眉肖。心中盘算着把原有的两条卖给了两个同事,我们两个用那块旧布又作了两条,在眼下,并不逊色。多余的还帮忙前面的同事做了一块矮厨的裙,让他开心得合不拢嘴。 意料不到的是那卖出去的两条却得到了抛砖引玉的效果, 让我做了一些小生意。 至今为止,我总共帮忙十二个同事们作了十二条桌裙, 尤其是我们那一排。整排几乎都是我的杰作。看上去清一色粉红色,整齐大方。与紫色一排比较,各有千秋。鹿死谁手,尚未知晓。紫色妩媚鲜艳有它的特色,只是花样参差不齐, 美中不足, 而且在价格上来说,他们几乎花了粉红色那一排的双倍。是否值得?见仁见智。粉红色清新活泼,非常整齐。绿色还未整装,所以遥遥在后。只是很有可能后来居上呢! 至今,我还有订单陆续而来。嘻嘻!我拒绝了。我从今天开始写我的PTK 作文,希望能在17/4交上我认为最好的写作。当天,还要应付一场考试。愿上帝报要我能过关斩将,向更高的层次迈进。虽然不想积极的争取出线,心中却在祈祷着能够一飞冲天,扬眉吐气呢!


男大当婚,女大当嫁。自古婚嫁是人生必经之路。多少的浓情蜜意,多少的山盟海誓,是否能够持至永恒? 在十字路口徘徊,真正需要做出选择当儿,千头万绪,能否知道知从何下手?自古多情空余恨,世间痴男怨女不胜枚举。奉劝适龄的青年们在处理感情的问题上,谨慎小心。你们能否想象前无去路,后有追兵的困境吗?所以在未结婚前,不要把自己弄到没有回头的空间。切记!即使结婚日子近在眉睫,如果心中有所犹豫,悬崖勒马,为时未晚也! 昨天收到一个朋友的电话,述说积在她心中的那一股忧虑让她胸口作痛。原来是欢喜的一件事,如今却弄到进退两难的局面。其女儿八年前在念中学时就已经谈情说爱,对象是一个已踏出社会的友族大学生。家中父母亲戚都不很赞成他们交往。一眨眼间,此女得政府奖学金远赴英国学医。 所有人都认为这一去五年漫长的时间一定能冲淡他们的感情。世事难料,在死缠烂打,穷追不舍的情况下,他们还是依旧。父母最后也只能接受事实。定于今年尾让他们结婚。 许多的事情都已准备妥当。酒席也已订了,亲朋戚友在口头上也已通知了。殊不知一夜之间,山河变色,在感情的路上,相信为了不止一种的原因,婚礼日期展延。这应该是拖之訣吧!感情即已亮红灯, 就需要一些时间来整理思绪,以免一失足成千古恨,再回头已是百年身了。

Receiving Long Service Medal

Astonished to receive a calling letter all of a sudden to Grand Ballroom KingWood Resort Mukah and to know that I am one of the recipients of Long Srrvice Medals. After discussing with some of my friends whose names also appear on the long list, we decide to have a bus ride to Mukah which will take up around 4 hours just to receive the honour once in a life time. Bus tickets were bought a week in advance just to make sure that we are not left behind. On the other hand, by having the thoughts of the bumpy road, we were actually taken aback. The thoughts of meeting my old friends at Mukah Kingwood resort is overwhelming. The chance to purposely find a time to sit down and to recall our past memories is rare. We are all buried in our never ending job. This function has given us a chance to bring us together to have a long chat after being apart for almost 30 years since we last sat together in a class. Continued on 10/3. After the three and a half hour bus ride, we reached Mukah Kingwood ...

Who is the culprit?

Today is saturday and we have replacmenet for Hari Raya holidays. Time for each teaching period is uttered slightly to siut the condition of the day. Like usual, I reached school early at 6:20a.m. and carried out my duty to arrange sit-in classes for teachers who are absent from school. Due to the changes in the time table, a few teachers can't register their mind properly and it seems that they do not understand the time table of the day. A teacher followed the wrong time table and finally, he missed one class after realizing that he looked at the wrong time and the wrong class. Another teacher totally forgot to go to the class to sit in. It is in a chaos. Worst thing happened when the principal called the school and informed that she received sms that there are teachers who did not enter the class. To the principal, she would feel that once she was not in the school, the school was not in order where in the school today, actually it is because of the time table which makes the te...

The price of petrol

Yesterday, my colleague was excited to inform all of us that the petrol price is going to have a hike proportionately to the income of every individual. Last 2 months, the Government intends to control the volume of petrol used through Mycard. However, the plan failed after successive reviews and was announced not to be implemented in the near future. Following the announcement today, petrol price will be maintained at RM1.80 but it is still under possible change with the fluctuation of the world petrol price. As a civil servant, I am definitely interested in the price hike because the inflation rate is getting higher and the composite index for the cost of living keeps on soaring. If the Government doesn't try hard to control the inflation, the public is going to suffer.