
Showing posts from May, 2010

First day of the 3-week holiday

31/5/2010 It is declared the starting of 3-week holiday as mid-year holiday follows immediately after the Gawai Dayak week. Due to the renovation of the laboratory, I have no choice but to drop in the school from time to time to see the progress of the construction. 7:00a.m. I started to prepare for my lunch with the help of my hubby before he went to his office. I knew that without his help, I am unable to cook anything as my left hand is useless. Today, I need to go to the school to open the gate at 4A class so that the workers can put the fans and the flourescent tube inside the store of 4A class. 8:30a.m. I reached the school and only found out that the lab attendant who is supposed to be on duty left the school without prior notice and she is in Kuching. Leave is granted to the other 2 lab assistants by The Principal. Nobody who is familiar with the lab is working today. I started to get worried. Am I supposed to run the whole show with my cemented wrist? I am frank to tell that I...


不同的地方有不同的禁忌。无论我们到哪里,都要考量当地的风俗习惯。俗语说,入乡随俗,想来道理是很明显的。 举例说,我们马来西亚是一个多元种族,多元文化,宗教自由的国家。在某一个程度上,我们必须包容,以宽大的胸怀去接纳其他族群的文化背景。 我在友族占多数的学府上班,以回教徒朋友及学生为主。所以我们一定要入乡问俗,随着大家的禁忌而做出一些必要的改变。为了自己,也为了大众,我认为是应该的。 朋友们,互相尊重,互相忍让,大马才是人间天堂。

Treasure found

Unintentionally, my boy found the blog written by Mr. Arthur Wee and his special like and inclination towards food, especially food in Sibu. It is relaxing to read his blog and the mouth-watering pictures fascinate me. He is a live advertiser of Sibu food outlet. The shops should pay him for promoting the food. I am now a loyal reader of his blog without his knowledge. haha..... Anyway, if I bounce into him one day, I will tell him how much I love his blog.

Curry Mee

Since I have bought so much sweet potatoes from Sarikei at a lowprice, I took the opportunity to give part of it to Ustazah. She is so keen and good in cooking but she is humble to tell me that she has to cook for her 7 children rather than dining outside. I get what she means and I salute her for her calculation and management of her money in living expenses for such a big family. Thursday is the last day of the school for First Term. Ustazah took the trouble to cook Curry Mee and brought it to the staff room. It is mouth-watering at the first sight and it is indeed delicious. She is enthusiastic to tell us how to make it and the raw material needed including the estimate cost of it. I wonder when I can be like her, to be interested and hardworking enough in cooking. I presume cooking is not any chapter in my routine life.

Kenangan buat Ustazah Norlela

Awal tahun 2009 anda diundang, warga sekolah menanti ketibaan, kehebatan dan kemampuan dirimu, Terbuktilah semenjak jejak kakimu. Datang dengan gaya agresif, penuh dengan keazaman dan keyakinan, membentuk sikap pelajar tidak berputus asa, mengubah minda warga dan wajah sekolah. "Hayya Nabda" programmu, membantu anak didik menjejak impian, melalui aktiviti "Kita Buat Kita Ingat" Begitulah cara keputusan awam melonjak saujana. Dengan wajah seri dan ceria sentiasa, kasih sayang etos sekolah ditetapkan, lapanbelas bulan semaian dipelihara, memperoleh hasil dan dapatan nyata. Dari dulu asrama yang tak berapa, kepada keadaan canggih dan kemas sekarang, telah menjadi tanda aras, yang boleh dicontohi sekolah lain. Pemergianmu satu kepastian, perpisahan telah ditakdir, jasamu tetap dikenang, ribuan terima kasih diucapkan Dengan harapan anda terus berjuang, demi nusa bangsa dan negara, Semoga anda sentiasa tabah hati, belayar melalui gelora hidup yang mencabar. Berpantun dan ...


旧的不去,新的不来。古往今来,生死轮回,新旧替换, 否极泰来,总是有他们的道理。 昨晚收到同事来电,校长不得不辞别学校往他的故乡继续高升。新的校长这假期回来报到了。即使千般原因,也不得不向现实低头。在长达一年多的日子里,校长的领导下,学校面目焕然一新, 学生成绩更上一层楼。相信她此时定然千头万绪, 千言万语,哽在喉头,无声胜有声了。 校长严肃,致使许多的同事不满,这是自然的现象。她的离去,许多同事非常高兴。可是,他们是否知道再来的一位很可能是有过而无不及呢? 我们这一群比较积极的同事抱着兵来将挡,水来土掩的观望态度,来迎接新任校长,谁做校长,对我们来说都一样, 只有对那些做老鼠的老师们,怎么样的猫校长才是他们关心的。


难得外子同事的介绍,让我们认识了奇花异草中的爬树龙。本来就对这些草药有莫大兴趣的外子,即刻找了一些拿回去给妈妈煲汤让爸爸尝试着喝。固执的爸爸这一次难能可贵说喝了爬树龙煲的汤,觉得很舒服。妈妈到处询问及寻找爬树龙,皇天不负苦心人,被妈妈找到不少朋友的家里都有栽种爬树龙。爸爸妈妈一生,嘴上虽然互相指责,毕竟是几十年的患难夫妻,在这个当儿,应该让所有的不愉快随风逝,一切尽在不言中。 喝爬树龙煲的汤已经有两个月, 爸爸精神奕奕,像似爬树龙在他的身体里厂生了作用,爬树龙对癌症起了革命的效果。连个月来,爸爸不只体重增加,而且体力精神都有明显的进步。 当医生宣布让我们自己选择医疗方式时,我们每一个心情都非常沉重,意思就是说医生已经束手无策了。 当外子找到爬树龙时,我们只有死马当活马医,别无他法了。这两个月爸爸的情况是奇迹,希望这奇迹一直持续下去, 也希望爸爸妈妈能有那样的恒心,继续煲汤喝汤, 一直创造奇迹。


终于这一个星期来让朝野政党寝食难安的补选已经尘埃落定,画上了句号。尽管首相已经拨来几千万的款项,以及承诺拨来更多巨大款项,诗巫人民不知是无知还是成熟,竟然不为所动。反对党却在险中取胜。 相信这一次的补选给了人民及政府一个启示。 政府的行政定然有所偏差,不然民心不会思变,相信定然有一些人为的错误,引起公愤,而愤而投给反对党。冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。当局者迷,旁观者清,不痛定思痛,可能连州选都要丢官了。 藉着这一次的败选, 苦思问题的症结,下良药,痛改前非,才是人联党的上策。 就把这一次阴沟里翻船当作是一个教训吧。


万丈高楼丛地起,英雄何论出身低。 青云无路志为梯,学海无涯勤是岸。 憧景着美好的前程,是人生旅程上一股无形的推动力。人生总有一个美丽的希望。有了希望,才有不断力争上游的理由。 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。我时常引用这一句名言激励孩子, 让孩子始终都在警惕着人生道路的不平坦,如果不前进,则会被远远抛在后头, 那时迎头赶上,恐怕已经迟了, 莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切!

Teachers' Day

The climax of a game is a round of applause, The summit for a teacher in a year is the teachers' day, Receiving numerous presents and gifts, we feel where we stand in the students' eyes. To be on stage is no joke, Stage fright is common to human. However we are honoured today, To receive gifts from our beloved children. Not hesitant to open the boxes, elegant drink set, spendid glassware and high quality tupple ware , They are symbolic of the students' love Will be remembered forever down in my memory lane. Affirmation from students and ex-students means everything, Feeling low when our good intention of pushing them higher is mistaken, Both happy and sad moments are experienced, Well! teaching is a vocation of God's calling.

Sibu By-election

Lots of promises are announced and yet to be realized, Numerous plans are hanging and yet to be carried out, Tons of allocation are given out, Many hands are shaken, History is repeating for parliamentary election. A lot of attack from both parties, Campaign is everywhere, Endless public appearance is inevitable, Even though the candidate is never known before this, He has to face the audience during this time of the year. Kampua becomes the tool for campaign, Debate is hot over it, Push the brand to a summit No matter which party will win the game, Kampua will not extinct from Sibu. SMS is in the air, Senders are yet to be known, Recipients are chosen at random, Calling for polling from both parties However, the most rational decision is still in our hands Mass media has no choice but to be biased, However tomorrow will be the reality, on who is the Member of Parliament? Just keep our finger cross, and wait for the moment to be.

School Level Gotong Royong

In conjunction with Teachers' day celebration, the ministry has announced today as School Gotong Royong Day nationwide. However it does not get a positive response from all parties especially in Sibu Sarawak as reelection day falls on tomorrow. All parties are busy and every citizen is hot over the issue because it is a narrow and tough fight between SUPP and DAP. I am not interested in politics but I am sure to exercise my right as a citizen to vote for the correct MP of the region. Back to the Gotong Royong which the school has made it compulsory, we regret that we do not have the support from PIBG. There are only 4 parents turning up for this large scale activity most probably due to the non-stop raining this morning. Duties are divided and work is carried out accordingly under the supervision of teachers. However, I am strongly not satisfied with the work done by the teachers and the students who are responsible for the scince lab. The sinks in Form Two and Form Three Science l...


星期六,应外子之邀, 驱车前往15公里外去爬山。可是天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。我竟然在短短的10分钟之内就摔了一跤。兴致勃勃而去却沮丧而归。以为没什么大碍,叫接骨师傅帮忙包扎就回家了。可是第二天,在同事们的劝告下,做了x- 光检查, 发现有骨折的现象。我不得已只能向现实低头, 在诊所上了石膏, 如此挂在肩上,至少三个星期也!哀哉! 不为别的,只为多流一些汗,使身体更健康, 可是赔了夫人又折兵, 不但没有达到目的,却赔了这几个星期的不便。独臂侠难当也!


走进黄医生的西药房,柜台两旁那一副对联引起了我的注意力。“事能知足心常乐,人到无求品更高”好也好也。这幅对联正好配上黄医生的作风。 和蔼可亲,谦虚有礼,初次见到他,人如其名,不愧为医者典范。人说医者父母心,看到来求诊的病人每个都对他赞不绝口,这个医生应当是非常得民心的了。 医生不只要医术高明,对待病人还要谦卑, 才显得出他的修养,才显得出他的品行。把黄医生与那幅对联放在一起,真的很适合。希望黄医生再接再厉以他的医术,配合着他的崇高品德,继续造福人群。


天下的爸爸妈妈都是一样的。。。。 父母对孩子的爱护是人类的天性。即使是动物也是如此。如果父母对子女没有哪一份与生俱来的感情,那他们不是就禽兽不如了吗? 可是有多少个子女知道父母费尽心思为他们着想?为孩子付出,为孩子计划。。。。一箩筐都是出自内心那份无法割舍的爱? 当然这么努力的耕耘,只希望孩子会出人头地,光宗耀祖,在社会举足轻重。 如若不然,那一大笔的教育投资付诸东流,只叹命薄,无欲问苍天!! 再者,哪有父母不希望自己的孩子品行端正,能够让父母沾上光?可是多少的子女知道如斯道理?所以父母们应该要做心里准备,不求光耀门户,只求不辱没祖先,能做到平平凡凡的, 就应该心满意足了。


亲爱的父亲, 读了您的手稿及随感,我有很多的感触。 爸爸不需要这样的愤世忌事,人生短暂,只要知足长乐,何苦要在乎别人横行到几时? 正如您所说善恶到头终有报,只争来早与来迟。爸爸两袖清风,在我来说难能可贵。 谁说您上愧对泉下双亲,下羞见子女儿孙?祖父祖母在生之年,在我的记忆中, 常常述说您的聪明。六岁就能下棋。 在您的自述里也提及半年以内修完初中一课程。舅舅提起你,总是称赞您的字体端正的程度是无与伦比的。您的聪明才智与任何周围的同辈朋友比较是有过而无不及,您应该为此感到自豪骄傲。两袖清风者,世间已少有,爸爸能够在这复杂的社会染缸里,保留了书香之家的清高情操,实为难得。在祖父祖母眼里,您永远是他们所宠爱的儿子。 家境虽贫困,但您却没有让我们失去求学的机会。 您与妈妈在互补的情况下,栽培了我们六个兄弟姐妹, 凭良心说,社会人士哪一个不是说您了得?我倒认为您是白手兴家,如今实至名归, 爸爸应该觉得很满足。一个人的成功不一定只靠金钱来衡量的。 家境贫穷是无可奈何,不能怨天尤人。 在有限的经济环境里,杆着一肩行李,过了一生的粉笔生涯,未尝不是一件好事。人类的工程师,桃李满天下应当觉得非常满足。人比人气死人,同辈朋友有的实至名归,可是参差不齐,有的却穷困潦倒,我们比上虽不足,比下应有余。在事业的十字路口徘徊,我们当时的选择由天定。您并没有畏首畏尾,而是您对家有一份责任,您顾虑了家里妈妈及孩子们的生活以及他们的感受。反过来说,当时的选择并不一定是不对的。失之东隅,收之桑榆。上帝是非常公平的。您不能否认您有一个幸福美满的家庭吧? 能够在平凡中过日子,就是不平凡。爸爸在教育界浮沉四十载,泗里街是一个小镇,相信许多人都非常尊敬您。毕竟您德高望重。我们做子女的虽然从小就很惧怕您,可是对您的尊敬从没少过。对您拥有的学问肃然起敬。一生都献身教育,一生为家庭子女奔波,现在御下重担,放松心情, 应该是您毫无忧虑的过着悠闲的日子。 无官一身轻,逍遥自在, 在精神上,应该是人间一富翁,在金钱上也不应该会短缺。这样的晚年生活,谁与争锋? 爸爸,您的感情世界,我不好也没有胆量询问您。随感的“两情相悦惜已迟。。。”是否能让我猜测爸爸心里对感情有出现挣扎的痕迹? 人非圣贤,孰能无过?不管您曾经做过什么事,即使是错的,我们身为您的子女也一定会原谅您的。让过去随风逝,一切尽在不言中。 爸爸一生太严肃,天生一身傲骨...

Pension age - 60???

Rumours is going around on the age of getting retired being 60 years old for the government servants . Different people have different response. Most people feel that it is too old to teach at that age. I may have a different view on it. At the age of 60, people's health varies. Some will remain healthy and some are sick. Some are energetic and some are weak. To those who are still healthy and energetic, nothing is wrong to continue working when they are still able to carry out their job well. To those who are sick, maybe it is high time they should take a rest at that age. For those who are still in financial burden because of children's education etc, they really need the job. Sometimes it is hypocrite to say that we love the job and dosn't love the money. Monetary gain is the driving force to most of us to carry out the job well. Even though a teacher needs to inspire, I still believe an effective teacher needs to be financially supported. If it is announced, I will sign...


阴历三月十八,阳历恰是劳动节,是父亲七十三岁诞辰。人生七十古来稀,即时他病魔缠身,父亲还是精神奕奕,如果上天许可, 让他安然度过八十一关,我们会诚心感谢上苍。 生老病死本来就是人生必经之路,只是父亲一生健康,从无病痛。忽然得知生病,让我们乱了阵脚。 父亲一生执着,献身教育,无怨无悔,问心无愧,对得起自己,对得起社会,一个清官也!! 如今的社会清官何在?寥寥无几。虽然两袖清风,我们非常自豪他白手成家, 养了我们六个兄弟姐妹,让我们全部受了高深的教育。谁不说他能干? 父亲只要知足常乐,与母亲无忧无虑的安度晚年,人间一富翁, 谁与争锋?


社会是一个大染缸, 惟有洁身自爱,才不会随波逐流。 身为社会的一分子,我们不止为自己而活,我们更要为身边的人而活。 对自己的所作所为负责任,更要在乎社会人士的眼光。毕竟我们脱离不了繁华的社会。 社会复杂的构造,让我们每一个人都要肩负不同的使命。 让自己抬头做人,光耀门楣,也要让亲朋戚友,家中父母兄弟姐妹扬眉吐气。 如果没有社会上其他成员,那就没有“人言可畏“啦,“身败名裂”啦这些成语的存在了。 一个人的行为举止,关乎着不止他自身的价值,而是关乎所有在他身边关心他的人。 不同的人有不同的价值观,所以有了不同的态度。