First day of the 3-week holiday
31/5/2010 It is declared the starting of 3-week holiday as mid-year holiday follows immediately after the Gawai Dayak week. Due to the renovation of the laboratory, I have no choice but to drop in the school from time to time to see the progress of the construction. 7:00a.m. I started to prepare for my lunch with the help of my hubby before he went to his office. I knew that without his help, I am unable to cook anything as my left hand is useless. Today, I need to go to the school to open the gate at 4A class so that the workers can put the fans and the flourescent tube inside the store of 4A class. 8:30a.m. I reached the school and only found out that the lab attendant who is supposed to be on duty left the school without prior notice and she is in Kuching. Leave is granted to the other 2 lab assistants by The Principal. Nobody who is familiar with the lab is working today. I started to get worried. Am I supposed to run the whole show with my cemented wrist? I am frank to tell that I...